Everyday Delight Photography Exhibition | Free Space Project, Camden, London | Cambridge Photographer, Diana Hagues

EVERYDAY DELIGHT is a photography exhibition all about looking for the joy in the small things, finding the magic in what might at first appear mundane, and discovering the beauty in the everyday.


The exhibition is organised by Shutter Hub with the Free Space Project, and I am delighted to say that one of my photographs has been picked to showcase in this special exhibition in London, starting from 5th December 2019. 

Everyday Delight Exhibition and the Free Space Project

The Everyday Delight exhibition will bring together over 100 photographs as part of the initiative run by the Free Space Project - a charity that supports arts and community initiatives to promote health and well-being.


My photograph in the exhibition is titled ‘Morning Light’.

I took the photograph this autumn after waking up to a cold morning with the wet condensation still sitting on my bedroom window. I liked the colours, light, and textures I saw in front of me. I wanted to create an abstract photo to convey that feeling of slowly waking up to a new day and the gentle pause before our thoughts are gathered together.

I love exploring everyday life through the medium of abstract photography as well as in my documentary family photography approach. Those that are familiar with my photographs will be aware that I love sharing my freelensing photographs and will be also teaching about this technique with other photographers at Phlock Live next year.

Showcasing photographs

I have been thinking about getting my photography work into exhibitions since I had two of my photographs in a print gallery at the Click Away Conference this February 2019. I was a finalist in two categories of the Click & Company’s VOICE 2018 competition, but unfortunately, I was unable to attend the event in California.

I know getting my photographs exhibited would seem ambitious, but I love the idea of showing my photographs where visitors can see them in printed displays. It is how photographs can be fully appreciated and I get to share photographs I love to make, whether they are documentary or abstract in nature. Finding something to learn or simply enjoy in the process is also why I want to showcase my photographs.

I am looking forward to attending the launch of the exhibition in a couple of weeks and want to thank Shutter Hub and Free Space Project for accepting my photograph. If you are in London and would like to take a look at the exhibition, it is inside the Kentish Town Health Centre in Camden, London, and will be running from 5 December 2019 until 28 February 2020.

Diana Hagues is a documentary photographer who is based in Cambridge, UK. You can see her website for her portfolio work and on her Instagram account @water_in_my_wellies.